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lunch box 〔口語〕便攜式電腦。

lunch counter

Try to bring your own lunch box instead of eating out . this would usually help increase your vegetable intake 嘗試自備飯盒,減少外出進餐,這樣通常有助增加蔬菜進食量。

His parents , who manufactured metal products like spoons and lunch boxes , have been retired for about 10 years 他的雙親已經退休達十年之久,之前是從事金屬產品的制造。

We put our metal lunch boxes on the shelf above the coat hooks , which were mostly empty 當我們把各自的金屬飯盒放到衣帽鉤上方的架子上去的時候,衣帽鉤上幾乎已經空了。

Mickey mouse , donald duck and winnie the pooh look out from t - shirts , school bags and lunch boxes 你的t恤、書包和午餐盒上可能就有米老鼠、唐老鴨和維尼熊等動畫形象。

Containers that can hold water such as empty soft drink cans and empty lunch boxes must be disposed of properly 容易積水的容器,例如空的飲品罐和午餐盒須妥善處置。

Parker mckenzie . nah . she hates me since i sat on her titanic lunch box in fifth grade 帕克?邁坎齊?不行,自從五年級時我坐壞了她的“泰坦尼克”飯盒她就一直恨我。

The students , one male and six female , ate lunch boxes provided by a food supplier during lunch time 7名學生包括1男6女,于午膳時曾進食由食物供應商提供的飯盒。

Or finding little ways to express love , such as leaving a note in a lunch box or briefcase 或者想出一些表示愛的小點子,比如在午飯盒里或是公文包里留個條子等。

When you pack your own lunch , make sure at least one - third of your lunch box is filled with vegetables 自制飯盒時,請確保飯盒里有最少三分之一是蔬菜。

And then the german opened his lunch box and said , “ oh , no , not again , a cheese sandwich again 然后那個德國人說:噢!不會吧!怎么又是乳酪三明治!

They opened their lunch boxes , and the american said , “ oh no , a tomato sandwich again 當他們打開餐盒時,美國人說:唉呀!怎么又是番茄三明治!

Acceptance of donations from suppliers of student lunch boxes , uniforms and office equipment 收受學生午餐飯盒校服及辦公室設備供應商的捐贈事宜

Q : early in your career , you resisted the idea of being on lunch boxes and thermoses 在你演員生涯早期,你反抗出現在午餐盒與熱水瓶上這個想法。

4 . use serving chopsticks and spoons at meal time . do not share lunch boxes and drinks 4 .用膳時要使用公筷和公匙,不要與人共享同一飯盒或飲料。

Early in your career , you resisted the idea of being on lunch boxes and thermoses 在你演員生涯早期,你反抗出現在午餐盒與熱水瓶上這個想法。

Use serving chopsticks and spoons at meal time . do not share lunch boxes and drinks 用膳時要使用公筷和公匙,不要與人共享同一飯盒或飲料。

Where is lunch box 午餐盒在哪

Lunch box for wild birds 野鳥便當盒

Remove all litters , containers , cans , bags , lunch boxes , etc . that hold water 清除所有垃圾、罐、袋、餐盒等能盛水之雜物